Sunday, August 9, 2009

Much-needed thank yous

I want to take the time now, the night before I start my medical school orientation, to thank those who have helped me get to this place in my life, on the eve of starting medical school. In particular, I am blessed with loving parents who have supported me at every step: morally, materially when needed, and otherwise. I also want to specifically thank my two sisters, my Nana, my best friend John, and my mentor Walt, who have all ushered me through the ups and downs of applying to medical school. Throughout this process, I have come to understand that the endeavor of becoming a doctor is truly a collaborative effort.


  1. "...and most importantly, I'd like to thank Rosy because she's so awesome"

    It's okay, Tyson, I'll forgive you for forgetting that last part. :o)

  2. thank you, rosy, for being so awesome!


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