Sunday, July 26, 2009

Last day of work: the end of an era

My last day of work was on Friday. I've been so busy trying to wrap up the last remaining projects that there's hardly been time for me to notice that my time there was coming to a close. This past week has been full of goodbye lunches and dinners and co-workers dropping by my office in faux tears begging me not to go. It feels good to be leaving my job of 3.5 years on such great terms.

Yet I leave with mixed emotions:

sad to be leaving a mentor who has done so much to help me along in my career, and co-workers who have genuinely been a pleasure to work with, and a job that at once is intellectually challenging and provides a large measure of satisfaction that I'm doing something worthwhile;

but also excited for the adventures that lie ahead, in persevering through the trial-by-fire rites of a medical education, exploring a new city, and forging new friendships that will last a lifetime.

What I write sounds grandiose, but on the threshold of such grand changes in my life, I think it accurately and appropriately reflects how I feel right now.

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